Melissa is available to write reports and other publications, and also to report on conferences, seminars and meetings for not-for-profit organisations. Examples of such work include:
- In June 2008, Melissa provided a report for the National Prescribing Service on a seminar, Interventions to improve Quality Use of Medicines in the community pharmacy setting.
- In April 2008, Melissa provided a report on an Aboriginal Health Research Conference held in Sydney by the Coalition for Research to Improve Aboriginal Health.
Improving Population Health: The Uses of Systematic Reviews, a report done in collaboration with Ray Moynihan. It was published in December 2007 by the Milbank Memorial Fund in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US. It describes the methods, applications, and value for policymakers of systematic reviews that evaluate interventions intended to improve population health. The report is based on several case studies (traffic safety; youth drinking; tobacco control; obesity; disasters; drug abuse education; and the Washington State Institute for Public Policy). It may be viewed online at http://www.milbank.org/reports/0712populationhealth/0712populationhealth.html. Print copies are available without charge from the Fund at www.milbank.org.
Received Wisdoms: How health systems are using evidence to inform decision-making, a report done in collaboration with Ray Moynihan. It was published in 2007 by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, and describes successful and not-so-successful efforts by health management and policy organisations to implement evidence-informed decision-making. Download report
- In 2007, Melissa provided a report on a Clinical Educators' Symposium convened by the Australasian Society for HIV Medicine in affiliation with International AIDS Society: http://www.ashm.org.au/news/200/11/